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            • Point of sale on route

              One of these demands is the ability to make point of sale on route, the traditional retail location. This is where the concept of the on-the-go point of sale comes into play. A solution designed for salespeople who are on the move and need to carry their office in their pocket. This type of system […]

            • Software Factory what is

              The implementation of a Software Factory has become an essential strategy for those who want to stay at the forefront. What is a Software Factory? A Software Factory is a highly structured and automated software development environment that allows companies to create applications quickly and efficiently. Use agile methodologies, automation tools, and continuous development practices […]

            • App to make inventories

              The App to make inventories speeds up your work. In an incredible way because its system definitively increases the productivity of sales. Your work team and your system. With this App you control the entry and exit of objects from your warehouse, leaving this calculation in the hands of incredible software. This execution can be […]

            • Software Factory and its benefits

              Technology and innovation are key factors for the success of any company. A software factory is a modern solution that allows companies to develop software efficiently, flexibly and at a lower cost. Is a structured and systematic approach to software development. Which uses automated tools and standardized methodologies to create applications and systems efficiently. Likewise, […]

            • Route sales what is it

              Route sales are a new strategy from the commercial mobile MSP company. This strategy has transformed the way companies approach their customers and expand their presence in the market. It maintains a progressive approach with the constant use of mobile technology, where sales representatives maintain mobile devices that allow them to access information in real […]

            • Mobile collection software

              Nowadays, with the help of technology. E-commerce moves large amounts of money around the world and is expected to increase exponentially. For all these significant amounts to be visible, people have adapted to various forms of payment, such as mobile collection software, which we will discuss below. Mobile collection software This term refers to the […]

            • On road sales Software

                Route selling is a business strategy that involves bringing products or services directly to the customer, rather than waiting for the customer to come to a physical store. This approach can be highly effective for companies operating in industries such as food distribution, beverages, pharmaceuticals and more. However, efficiently managing sales en route can […]

            • Mobile Collection and Inventory with RFID Technology

              Technological evolution has radically transformed business management methods, particularly in the area of mobile collection and inventory management. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is emerging as an innovative solution, offering improved efficiency, accuracy and security. This article explores how mobile collections and inventory have benefited from the integration of RFID technology, highlighting its applications, advantages […]

            • Dynamic App Inventories

              Dynamic Inventories App is an application that stands out for being its own to manage inventories and which has been created to help companies manage their inventories in a useful and effective way. Undoubtedly, this application has become a fundamental tool for several companies, since it allows them to have a complete control of the […]

            • Dynamic Merchandising App

              The merchandising system developed by MSP as part of its Mobility in a Box suite of solutions, is a tool designed to facilitate obtaining information about products on display at the point of sale. This application, compatible with mobile devices such as smartphones or handhelds, provides key details such as product position on the shelf, […]

            • XaaS solutions

              XaaS solutions are an extension of the services offered by MSP. This is a company focused on offering services that allow other companies to work with their information technology (IT) systems. They are called solutions because they offer a variety of services, having infrastructure as a service (LaaS) and software as a service (SaaS), with […]

            • The Role of the MSP Company in Ecommerce Development

              To ensure success in this highly competitive market, having the right MSP company to handle Ecommerce development is critical. In this article, we will explore how the MSP company can play a crucial role in Ecommerce development, either as a software factory or as a company that develops ecommerce systems to connect with marketplaces or […]

            • Robotic Process Automation

              Robotic process automation (RPA) is an emerging technology that has revolutionized the way companies perform repetitive, rule-based tasks. In this article, we will explore in detail what RPA is, how it works and how it can benefit organizations in terms of efficiency, productivity and cost reduction. We will discover the different aspects of RPA, from […]

            • Optimizing commercial efficiency through on-road sales with product on board

              An important and prominent company in the bakery industry was facing different challenges in its sales process, so it was decided to implement on-road sales with product on board. The problem was based on the fact that, when taking orders manually and taking them to the distribution center, a lot of time was wasted, in […]

            • Smart wristband: the perfect combination of style and technology

              One of the most prominent devices in this category are Smart wristband, which combine functionality and style in a single accessory. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of these innovative smart wristbands. Advanced technology on your wrist Smart wristbands are equipped with a variety of technological features that make them ideal […]

            • The route sale with presale a tool to improve efficiency and productivity in your business

              A leading company in the world of food and pet food. It was going through different obstacles and challenges, and therefore implemented the route sale with presale. Among them, there was a traditional process that was carried out as follows: Salespeople would come in and take written notes on paper of the products the store […]

            • What is Software Factory and how does it work?

              Software production is a fundamental task that involves the creation and development of computer programs and applications. To perform this task effectively, an approach known as Software Factory has been developed. In this article, we will explore what Software Factory is and how this software production model works, which is offered first hand by MSP. […]

            • Success story with Dynamic App Digital Forms

              A world leader in human resources allocation was faced with the challenge of keeping a more efficient control of the visits made by its salespeople to prospects. Previously, they carried out this process manually, which generated slow results and lack of real-time data to make strategic decisions. It was then when they decided to digitize […]

            • Develop your success with MSP and boost your business through software development!

              MSP is responsible for providing technical support services, as well as software development, systems monitoring, network administration and other related services, all in one place. This allows companies to outsource their IT needs and have an expert team to efficiently manage and maintain their systems. Using an MSP service provider can provide several advantages to […]

            • Take control of your finances with the innovative mobile collection app

              Technology has revolutionized the way we manage our finances, especially with the advent of mobile applications that allow us to conduct transactions from the comfort of our homes. Now, with the innovative mobile collection app, it is possible to take control of our finances in a more effective and efficient way. What is a mobile […]

            • Three fundamental keys to invest in nearshoring software development in Mexico

              Interest in nearshoring as a business strategy has grown exponentially. There are many reasons why the idea of achieving business operations with geographic and cultural proximity, the search for logistical and even legislative advantages that allow optimizing supply chains and project development, has become a global trend. In the middle of the year 2021, Mexico […]

            • Human relations and nearshoring: the difference between winning and losing in the IT industry

              The good performance of organizations requires an efficient transition to the digital environment, the implementation of software with professional teams, as well as various technologies to optimize all kinds of processes.  Digital transformation continues to grow and specialize. More and more companies are adding to their strategies the deep transition of their structures towards an […]

            • Eys to solving problems in the health sector through RPA

              One of the most complex sectors, due to the number of processes and tasks to be fulfilled on a daily basis, is all that has to do with health care. In this sector it is important to maintain precise and timely control of the activity, given the speed of interactions. It is well known that […]

            • SALES EN ROUTE: Software to reduce time and costs

              Being a competitive company means being aware of each of the keys that make up the internal processes of the organization, as well as knowing the technology and the main problems faced by companies today. One of the most common operations of companies is field sales, the development of routes to maintain direct interaction with […]

            • RPA: A virtual employee

              Robotic process automation, or what we call RPA for short, is one of the technology applications that has best optimized the performance of business processes, because it quickly and effectively achieves significant cost reductions. RPA tools are capable of replacing manual labor by 15% to 80% or more. 75% of the opinion in Future of […]

            • New point-of-sale technology towards the future of business

              One of the most important challenges for businesses today is the way in which consumer trends are changing, as well as the tools that the market offers to both companies and customers. To meet this challenge, it has become necessary to use technology designed to improve the agility and efficiency of processes. That is why […]

            • Better return on investment with automated processes: a financial view

              There is currently a growing interest in process automation through technology innovation, in order to improve return on investment (ROI) indicators in companies. Artificial intelligence tools and robotic process automation (RPA) are widely used in the field to provide solutions to the main problems of manual work operation. In a recent study by Gartner®  (Stanford, […]

            • Robotic Process Automation RPA

              El desarrollo de la tecnología es cada vez más acelerado, por lo que las compañías están eligiendo la opcion de implementar la automatización robótica de procesos, siendo su principal objetivo eliminar las tareas tediosas y aligerar la carga de trabajo de sus trabajadores, para que puedan centrarse en otras tareas de mayor valor para la […]

            • Digital skills of the workforce priority for companies in 2022

              Consumption habits, working from home and the use of mobile applications are factors that highlight the importance of professional digital skills among Mexican companies. A large part of the workforce is aware of this reality. Salesforce’s 2022 Global Digital Skills Index states that more than half of workers in large companies are seeking to develop […]

            • Innovating in the cloud is the best way to avoid the obsolescence of your company

              Cloud is currently the best choice as an enabler of technological transformation. providing companies with agility, scalability, better cost control, and a wide range of services that drive modernization.   It is essential that organizations move from the stage of migrating their data to the cloud, to modernizing and innovating their cloud infrastructures. An innovative […]

            • Digital Transformation: challenges for companies

              The anti-fraud law is created with the aim of preventing tax fraud through computer systems that manipulate accounting or may falsify company accounts. There are keys for businesses to face Digital Transformation. Some of the requirements for a company to transform digitally are: know the scope of what is intended to be achieved, training on […]

            • Responsible Digital Transformation of Organizations

              For digital transformation, it is necessary to integrate teams for specific processes.   Digital transformation is not about having the latest technology, a change in mentality is needed, a commitment that ensures that it is the right priority for the entire company; It requires appointing an executive leader to promote, together with the functional areas, […]

            • RPA (Robotic Process Automation) processes helps retail industries to embrace  the digital world

              Companies that perform automated supply chain management will ensure that inventory databases are continuously updated, and with the implementation of artificial intelligence, they will be able to eliminate transcription errors. By planning supply and demand, through automation integrating RPA, they will be able to optimize the key components of the order-to-cash process.   RPA helps […]

            • Software development services

              In order for your company to automate internal processes, you need to rely on different types of software that will allow you to make the operation of your business more efficient in all its aspects. In this sense, MSP has taken an important place among the companies that offer information and communications technology services, specialists […]

            • Challenges and opportunities of E-commerce in Mexico

              Electronic commerce in Mexico has grown by more than 81%. This represents 9% of the nation’s total retail sales.   Changes in electronic commerce   One of the important changes for Mexican ecommerce is the radical reduction of multi-channel sales. This as a consequence of the pandemic, with physical stores closed, most sales were made […]

            • XaaS, a new trend for companies; the tech innovation that we must know

              The modality known as «Everything as a service», also called XaaS, is a growing trend among businesses due to its competitive and cost advantages.   Cloud computing has transformed everything, including the emergence of new service models such as Xaas.   XaaS is growing rapidly due to the benefits it offers businesses such as increased […]

            • Advantages of Digital Transformation

              The most important thing is to consider digital transformation as an opportunity that will allow you to carry out practices to obtain new techniques and skills as a result.   Provides new customer experiences.   2.Improves operational efficiency.   3.Generate new forms of income   4.It has the ability to respond quickly to changes in […]

            • Do you know what Digital Transformation is?

              Digital transformation is applying and using emerging technologies. A process that does not involve simply applying technology because technology does nothing by itself. It is to give meaning to the digital transformation for the benefit of the company, a process of cultural change, organizational change and application of new technologies throughout the organization.   A […]

            • Moving to Account Reconciliation Automation

              The financial, accounting and operational areas increase their operational effectiveness through automation technology.   The areas of accounting, treasury and finance are the strategic support of a company, they are in charge of managing and distributing the monetary capital in an appropriate manner. For the development of these areas, their owners are committed to providing […]

            • The keys to successful digital transformation

              Digital innovation of processes is essential to be able to continue in an increasingly changing and competitive environment. It is necessary to improve company processes, implementing technology that helps obtain information in real time to be able to make decisions and adapt immediately to changes.    The pandemic has driven the digitization of companies   […]

            • [:es]Grandes vs Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas[:en]Large vs. Small and Medium Enterprises[:]

              [:es]Las grandes empresas cuentan con recursos para enfrentar crisis como la ocurrida con la pandemia por COVID-19. Estas compañías cuentan con infraestructura y liderazgo perfectos, además de mayores aportes financieros.   Estas compañías se encuentran en fase avanzada de transformación digital, porque ya han integrado recursos de automatización, inteligencia artificial y tecnologías en procesos transversales, […]

            • Companies are integrated into digital transformation, get to know some tips to make this process easier

              There are challenges for companies to integrate into digital transformation, it is necessary to evaluate the best starting point for the business, carrying out a gradual and sustainable action plan, for which you must analyze the main forms of digital transformation in companies.   Here are options to speed up this process:   Strengthen IT […]

            • Point of sale trends for 2022

              The pandemic caused changes in the retail sector and due to the slow economic recovery, in order to adapt to the new purchasing behavior, retailers have had to make changes in their commercial strategies.   The rise of e-commerce and the increase in online purchases have forced businesses to restructure their points of sale, their […]

            • 3 Benefits of choosing a Software Factory

              In this new business paradigm, today’s companies must adapt to the changing needs of their customers and to the constant updates of trends, in order to be competitive. The Chamber of the Argentine Software Industry affirms that there is a deficit of programmers of approximately 15,000 positions per year.     Digital transformation requires technological […]

            • Are dark stores an alternative for businesses?

              One advantage of this business model is to streamline the supply chain   Dark stores (retail points of sale or distribution centers that exclusively serve online purchases) are presented as an emergency solution acquired by businesses that had to close their establishments during the pandemic. According to a Data Sutram report, ghost stores have been […]

            • RFID technology may be the best solution to pressure on supply chains

              Even before the pandemic, online shopping was gaining in popularity, but stay-at-home recommendations have significantly changed the way people shop, and shoppers who did not shop online because they preferred to shop in a physical store had to take the plunge. Now with physical stores reopening, online shopping growth is likely to slow and return […]

            • App Digital Forms

              This application works with Android 4.4 or higher operating system and is downloaded from google play only with a mobile device. It allows the realization of digital forms, which are used to measure different tasks.   The use of digital forms is immense, you can request any type of useful information for: the administration of […]

            • Learn about the Happy Customer App and the benefits it provides to your customers

              Nowadays, companies focus on the customer and consumers look for those companies that fulfill their brand promise, hence the importance of knowing the metrics of the level of service offered by restaurant staff and other points of sale.   The Happy Customer App is a solution that has been designed to operate on Tablet devices […]

            • Optimize market intelligence through a technological tool. The Point of Sale

              A market intelligence strategy is the difference between a company that makes thoughtful decisions and one that navigates insecurity.   Currently it is impossible to understand the growth of a company without the support of technology, which allows making better decisions, understanding consumer behavior and staying ahead of the competition.   That companies rethink their […]

            • Discover the benefits of having a point of sale in your business

              A software and hardware system that helps automate the tasks involved in the sales process, such as inventory control, sales control, obtaining reports and billing for your business.   Having a POS offers a competitive advantage that will increase your sales and make your business grow in the short term, improves the experience of your […]

            • ¿Cuál es la tecnología que está transformando la industria retail?

              Los cambios que ha tenido gradualmente el sector retail son tan sutiles e integrados que es posible que no sean notables. Actualmente se maneja mucho menos efectivo en el comercio minorista y son cada vez más comunes los sistemas automatizados, y esto no es todo, ya que  la tecnología retail no tiene intención de disminuir […]

            • La Automatización Robótica de Procesos: un paso a la adaptación digital

              Implementar en la industria retail RPA permitirá a este sector adaptarse al universo digital. Este consiste en delegar actividades repetitivas, como el envío de mensajes automatizados a clientes y proveedores o el procesamiento de facturas estándar y operativas, a robots o bots, con el fin de agilizar el flujo de trabajo para permitir a los […]

            • ¿Qué es un sistema de punto de venta (POS)?

              Comprender qué es un sistema de punto de venta (sus componentes de software y hardware, así como sus capacidades) le permitirá tomar una decisión de compra informada. Un sistema de punto de venta, o POS, es el lugar donde el cliente realiza un pago por productos o servicios en la tienda. Explicado de forma sencilla, […]

            • Software Inventory App

              It is also commonly referred to as inventory management. It is an essential aspect in every company. This application gives the possibility to have a precise control of the products and materials available. In this sense, it should be noted that the inventory software application has become a fundamental tool for companies. It seeks to […]

            • Mobile Collection App

              Field collection management can be a challenge for many companies. The lack of adequate tools can result in slow processes, loss of information and difficulties in keeping an accurate follow-up of payments. That’s why Dynamic Mobile Collection App is presented as a comprehensive solution designed to make the field collection process easier for management teams. […]

            • Point of Sale Tablet SP advantages

              In the last decades we could appreciate an increase in the use of point of sale, now it is common to see that they are used to make purchase transactions. The point of sale is an essential device where direct contact is established between a company and its customers. Talking about point of sale, there […]

            • App happy customer

              The Happy Customer App is a solution specifically designed for businesses that want to measure the level of customer satisfaction. With this application, you will be able to obtain valuable information about your customers’ perception of your products, services and customer service. Get real-time feedback Directly at the point of sale, you can place a […]

            • On the road sales software: Take control of your business

              Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by the logistics of running your on-the-road retail business? Look no further. With the revolutionary new Roadside Selling Software, you can now take control of your business like never before. This powerful tool is designed to streamline your sales operations, increase productivity and drive revenue growth. Utilizing cutting-edge technology […]

            • Digital transformation to improve the customer experience

              The importance of digital transformation for the industry is the fact that digital experiences and multi-channels are becoming an essential requirement for users who are increasingly connected. Strategies to improve the user experience are the main reasons for digital transformation.   Digital transformation helps companies to know more about each customer, their behavior and their […]

            • Beneficios de la venta en ruta

              Un software  diseñado para facilitar la actividad que realiza el equipo de ventas de campo que es visitar el punto de venta para vender los productos que lleva a bordo de su unidad de transporte. El sistema de esta App de Venta Móvil con inventario a bordo te permitirá reducir tiempos y costos, porque conoce […]

            • Learn about the advantages of turning our business into an eCommerce

              The popularity of online stores has increased over time in an impressive way causing more businesses to join digitization in order to reach more customers and that is one of the advantages of turning our business into an ecommerce .   Advantages of turning our business into an ecommerce   24 hour availability   Ecommerce […]

            • Why develop custom software for our company?

              Each business today has different requirements, customers and characteristics. For this reason, it is important to have specialized tools for our business particularities and, therein lies the relevance of custom software for our company. Advantages of developing custom software for our company Obtain a unique software, it is nothing more than an application created by […]

            • Online commerce becomes the engine of recovery for the sale of luxury products

              It is no secret to anyone that online or e-commerce has become a driver for the world market in all economic sectors that we know and a strong impact on luxury sales is noticeable. A present report by McKinsey & Company in collaboration with Círculo Fortuny mentions that the weight of the online channel on […]

            • Fear of going to physical stores, few expectations about the recovery and decrease in purchases, especially by young people

              A recent study called «The Influential Shopper» by a German technology firm, yielded important data on purchasing habits in the coronavirus pandemic from June to August, comparing them to the previous January-March period by groups generations: baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), generation X (1965-1980), millennial (1981-1996) and generation Z (1997-2010). Firstly, an increase […]

            • Now is the time to consolidate online supermarkets

              Due to the coronavirus in 2020, food e-commerce had an increase in its profits that had never been seen before, however, current circumstances have forced this sector to have to consolidate again. Before the arrival of covid-19, many wondered if the online food buying and selling sector would take off at some point, since there […]

            • How are purchases today due to Covid-19?

              A recent study called «The Influential Shopper» by SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) and The Economist Intelligence Unit, yielded important data on shopping habits in the coronavirus pandemic from June to August, comparing them with the previous period of January. -March by the generations groups: baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), generation X (1965-1980), millennial […]

            • Changes in the use of mobile apps and how they influence mobile marketing strategies

              One of the consequences of the 2020 health situation is the changes in the behavior of users with their mobile devices, where the use of mobile apps drastically changed. Consumers began to use their smartphones much more than before, therefore, mobile applications grew at an unimaginable rate becoming an ideal mobile marketing strategy for any […]

            • The 4 steps to follow to be successful with a digital transformation strategy

              Companies today have had to adapt to new needs to survive the consequences of the Coronavirus around the world, therefore, the implementation of a digital transformation strategy will decide the future of a company. To be successful with digital transformation, it is essential to be clear that not everything will turn out as expected, and […]

            • The 8 main trends of digital marketing in the economic sector

              Digital marketing is the basis of the entire economic sector worldwide, therefore, it is essential to keep abreast of new trends, allowing companies to adapt to current circumstances. One of the leading e-commerce platforms, VTEX has analyzed trends, strategies and new opportunities in the growth of retail, B2B and DTC companies. It is clear that […]

            • The benefits of 5G in marketing and advertising strategies

              Globally, people require connectivity and, therefore, progress was expected with the replacement of 4G by 5G and although its deployment has been interrupted by the pandemic, the benefits of this new technology are immense in the marketing and advertising strategies. The leading smartphone companies have already generated their 5G versions, bringing improvements in processors, higher […]

            • What are the key mobile marketing strategies for 2021?

              The changes brought about by the situation of covid-19 in 2020, caused mobile marketing to be strengthened, becoming a fundamental tool for current commerce, therefore, it is necessary to know the key strategies of mobile marketing for 2021. This new year’s mobile marketing is characterized by the consolidation of attribution promoted in machine learning, specific […]

            • Digital marketing at this stage of the pandemic

              The consequences left by the coronavirus have made the world of digital marketing completely revolutionize, making companies have to change their strategies and implement new plans to survive today. The web has become a fundamental tool that generates sales, builds the brand-client relationship, provides customer service, adding that it gives companies the advantage of studying […]

            • Everything you need to know about RPA

              The relevance of RPA (Robotic Process Automation in English) has grown in recent years for companies, because it has the ability to generate simpler, higher quality processes and reduce costs. It is necessary to know that the automation of processes is a way to go when living in a period of digital transformation. In the […]

            • Why do RPA and Artificial Intelligence have to be together?

              For any company, it is essential that deliveries have high performance, that the processes provide benefits for both the company and employees. To achieve this, RPA and Artificial Intelligence must be together. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is known as the decision-making capabilities given by computer programs. One of the characteristics of this type of intelligence is […]

            • RPA for the consolidation of controls and optimization of operations

              RPA or Robotic Process Automation works to accelerate the transformation in accounting and finance operations, because it discards manual processes in order to reduce costs, increase precision, consolidate controls, help employees and speed up financial reports. The benefits of RPA in the automation of financial processes Consolidate controls and governance: Serves to ensure regulatory compliance, […]

            • The advantages of robotic automation in business processes

              With the passage of time, technology continues to advance and one of the main objectives of today is the development of machines that can replace human employees in the easier tasks, making these simpler and, therefore, it is necessary to know the advantages of robotic automation in business processes. Many consider the automation implemented in […]

            • How do Artificial Intelligence and RPA complement each other? Why use these?

              Both Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are recognized as tools that contribute to the generation of profits, savings, increased productivity of a company, consumer satisfaction and efficiency, therefore, it must know how Artificial Intelligence and RPA complement each other for business systems. It is worth noting that an estimated value of 25.56 […]

            • Benefits of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for companies

              The benefits of RPA for companies are enormous, because it delegates manual and / or repetitive tasks to robots, reduces costs and time in operations. For some time now, automation has become a great tool for companies, as well as the integration of software to schedule various activities in daily operations because it gives the […]

            • How is the digital transformation today?

              With the current situation of the pandemic, the concept of digital transformation has been highlighted, which will continue to be important in the years after the coronavirus situation. It is certain that digital processes will continue to evolve rapidly as they have been doing so far, contributing to a faster transformation both in the social, […]

            • Digital transformation reaches 60% of companies

              The digital transformation has increased enormously in the last year due to the global situation of Covid-19, causing many companies from different businesses to adapt the technology in their business schemes. Approximately 60% of companies have been able to be successful both because of their prepared teams and in having efficient corporate strategies when 2 […]

            • The challenge of digital transformation in the industry

              «Currently the challenge facing the digital transformation in the industry is to unify the environmental environment within the scope of production with a corporate network» Today, digital transformation is handled within the industry, IT-OT Convergence, IIOT, Industry 4.0 and Smart Factories. Experts mention that a new industrial revolution is taking place. This is done because […]

            • Why sell digitally?

              Today, technology and the online world have contributed immensely to world trade, due to the great possibilities that the internet offers companies for the sale and purchase of their products, therefore, the advantages of selling in a digital. Advantages of selling digitally Full measurement When doing digital marketing, the impact of this strategy can be […]

            • Advancing digital transformation for accountants

              Currently, companies have had to adapt and innovate to adapt to new needs due to the various inconveniences and challenges that were reflected in the last year, directly influencing digital transformation for accountants. Many years ago, tasks were carried out in an unproductive way due to the lack of practical tools, being counterproductive, since they […]

            • From 2020 to 2023, investments in digital transformation will reach 6.8 trillion dollars

              There is no doubt that the consequences of the covid-19 pandemic have left various problems in companies, increasing investments in digital transformation quickly. Apart from that, today’s pandemic has become the guarantee that the current world economy remains on a stable digital path, causing an expansion in the online market. Likewise, according to IDC, by […]

            • What is an omnichannel strategy and how to use it?

              Over time, new marketing strategies have emerged to meet the new needs of consumers, therefore, the implementation of the omnichannel strategy has been so popular in recent years. What is an omnichannel strategy? The omnichannel strategy consists of moving from brand-centric to user-centric, that is, leaving aside the internal organization of the company to focus […]

            • Ecommerce increased more than 100% in the Christmas season

              The digital commerce sector was positively affected this Christmas by the consequences of the Coronavirus, where ecommerce increased its value because consumer habits increased rapidly at this time. The latest results given on Christmas dates by the consulting firm Iri, mention that e-commerce, which had subsequently been registering advances that exceeded + 55%, became the […]

            • 20 tendencias en modelos de negocio para este 2021.

              [:es] Estamos ante un cambio de paradigma, las formas de trabajo anteriores a la pandemia definitivamente no regresaran, así como no regresaremos al uso de teléfonos análogos y libretas etc. Así es como funciona la naturaleza humana. Nunca regresaremos a la época de las cavernas, ni a la esclavitud. El mundo siempre esta en transformación […]

            • How to sell more online?

              It is important to have an online sales channel, insurance at least once you have made operations in online stores and even so it is possible that it is difficult for you to transfer these ideas or business models to the product or service that you sell. This may be because you may think that […]

            • Tu empresa tiene sólo dos caminos: innovar o morir.

              [:es] Para nadie es un secreto ya que en estos días la empresa que no sea capaz de innovar estará dentro de poco enfrentando un futuro incierto. El dinamismo con que se mueven los mercados y tecnologías exige a las empresas incoporar en su ADN la habilidad de innovar constatemente. A veces pensamos que la […]

            • 5 Tips para impulsar las ventas de mi tienda en línea.

              [:es] ¿Y si nunca llega? ¿Y si llega roto o defectuoso? ¿Y si me defraudan al meter los datos de mi tarjeta? ¿Y si no hay quién me responda ante algún problema? Si tienes una tienda online, entonces seguramente sabes que esas que acabas de leer, son las consideraciones más comunes que se plantea un […]

            • Your company is about to disappear …

              Suppose that in 1999, the CEOs of Tower Records, Blockbuster and Kodak, (all millionaire companies at that time), could have looked into a crystal ball that predicted their future. What they would have read would be exactly the message in our title: «Your company is about to disappear.» Between 2004 and 2012, the 3 giants […]

            • 3 steps to start the digital transformation in your company

              Surely it is already clear to you that the digital transformation of your business favors its continuity in the market, reduces costs, optimizes internal processes and even makes it easier to hire qualified personnel. It is a fact that you have no doubts that digitizing yourself allows the companies that work with you to feel […]

            • 5 technologies you must know to optimize your company

              Today it is difficult for companies to stay competitive in an environment that is constantly changing and updating, but implementing new technologies can keep them at the forefront and with great efficiency. These are 5 technologies that you should know to optimize your business: Multicloud or Hybrid Cloud Now we can all be sure of […]

            • The point of sale system: your first step to digital transformation

              There is a lot of information about the high impact of point of sale systems in retail stores or retailers, but do you know what they are? It is a combination of hardware and software tools that enables business managers to easily conduct day-to-day transactions while preserving key information from day-to-day operation. These systems simplify […]

            • Are you losing customers despite your competitive prices? This could be the reason

              If you are one of those who for decades have believed that the price of products or services is the factor that determines whether customers choose you or your competition, let us tell you that you could not be more wrong. Offering a quality service is even more important than price, because according to a […]

            • Sensors installed in refrigeration equipment monitor the cold chain, ensuring that food does not lose its freshness and quality

              The use of electronic devices to monitor the cold chain by measuring the temperature of food contained in refrigeration equipment can help companies to ensure the quality and freshness of their products. The use of sensors allows constant temperature monitoring at all times and with high precision. Have alerts that notify through the monitoring web […]

            • Proximity Marketing solutions based on the use of Beacons

              When we were going to imagine that with just having a smartphone with an installed app, it would allow the store to obtain valuable data about our buying habits and thus boost retail sales, through specific proximity digital marketing actions, designed to each customer profile. Today the use of new technologies within retail has come […]

            • EXPERIENCES: Mobile Monitoring Dynamic App.

              The importance of having data during field supervision activity has become a competitive need for both large and medium-sized companies, and that is where the Mobile Monitoring App solution provides excellent benefits, as it becomes an easy-to-use tool for its staff in the field, but at the same time it is powerful in providing real-time […]

            • Advantages of digital transformation in companies? Here we list the main ones …

              When we were going to imagine that with just having a smartphone with an installed app, it would allow the store to obtain valuable data about our buying habits and in this way boost retail sales, through specific digital marketing actions, designed for each profile. customer. Today investment in digital marketing solutions for the retail […]


              When we were going to imagine that with just having a smartphone with an installed app, it would allow the store to obtain valuable data about our buying habits and in this way boost retail sales, through specific digital marketing actions, designed for each profile. customer. Today investment in digital marketing solutions for the retail […]

            • The point of sale can become the starting point in the digital transformation of your business

              Today, anyone who has a business knows that to survive, improve their service and grow their sales, it is necessary to enter the digital world, however, technological advances are so fast and changing, that many times we do not know where to start. . A good strategy to start positioning your business taking advantage of […]

            • Millennials prefer to use a smartphone to order food delivery

              In Mexico, 14.7 million mothers work to contribute to the household economy; and this number continues to rise. Men and women are employed at work to achieve a better quality of life and there are tasks such as cooking for which they have no time left. That explains the disproportionate success of applications that offer […]

            • Gas companies bet on the Millennial world

              Apps forget phone calls; To communicate SEO or request a service, 96% of people prefer to use an App, than to call by phone.   The use of Smartphone and particularly applications, have come to revolutionize not only the way we communicate, but also our consumption habits. ¨According to a study carried out in Spain […]

            • The starting point in the digital age: TabletSP the most innovative point of sale for your business

              Today, anyone who has a business knows that to survive, improve their service and grow their sales, it is necessary to enter the digital world, however, the technological bombardments are so fast and changing, that many times we do not know where to start. . A good strategy to start positioning your business taking advantage […]

            • The mandatory digital transformation of companies

              For companies today, digital transformation is not an option but an obligation to stay competitive in the market. According to the largest companies in the creation of software in the world, in Spain the companies that have opted for renewal from digitization, have managed to increase their sales by up to 39% with costs above […]

            • loT: empowering retail

              The Internet of Things is changing everyone’s daily life; the interconnection between objects through the internet is facilitating life in homes and jobs, but one of the sectors that most benefited from this -relatively- new technology is business. The IoT goes far beyond allowing companies to control the stock and monitor the sale of merchandise; […]

            • IoT and the fourth industrial revolution

              The arrival of the Internet of Things (loT for its acronym in English Internet of Things) and its implementation in the industry, will lead to the fourth industrial revolution. To understand how this is possible, it should be mentioned that although there is no exact definition of the Internet of Things, experts point out that […]

            • Digital transformation, as a way to boost your company for this 2018

              Improving operational efficiency, creating new experiences for customers based on their preferences, generating alternative revenue methods and responding quickly to market changes are four of the main advantages of digital transformation in companies. According to information from the International Data Corporation (IDC), the world’s leading market intelligence and consulting services firm for the Information Technology […]


              Sales trends strongly point to proximity marketing and one of the areas of application is in department stores. The competition currently revolves around offering customers a much more personalized and agile service, mainly in department stores where it is natural to offer the same brands and / or items as the competition, so they need […]

            • Chatbots, el rumbo de un nuevo canal de comunicación e interacción con sus clientes.

              [:es]Para las empresas siempre ha sido de vital importancia contar con nuevas formas de comunicación hacia sus clientes, de forma que estos últimos conozcan los productos y servicios que se ofrecen, y de esta forma tengan una nueva manera de realizar consultas, pedidos o compras, creando una nueva experiencia de compra. En el mundo empresarial […]

            • We are close to the next industrial revolution Industry 4.0

              After Industry 1.0 which was characterized by mechanization, Industry 2.0 which went down in history by mass production and Industry 3.0 which was distinguished by electronics and automation, we are facing the fourth industrial revolution: Industry 4.0 This new «face» of the industry uses technologies such as the internet of things (loT), big data, cloud […]

            • Mobile devices through a comprehensive solution improve and streamline the Road Sales process with Perishable Product

              Sales is the main activity carried out in almost all sectors, which is why systems that are useful for companies have to be implemented, such as Route Sales, this consists of visiting the points of sale to carry out the survey. of orders and that they carry the product in the same unit. Within these […]

            • Mobile technology enables the process of valuation and granting of credits to be streamlined through the use of a smartphone

              Companies that implement microfinance can measure efficiency through different indices; the most widely used is the one that establishes a relationship between operating expenses and the loan portfolio, or the number of clients with the number of clients and loan officers. Precisely for these financial companies, which are dedicated to granting loans to individuals or […]

            • Allow your customers to get your products or services comfortably, turning your Tablet into a powerful information or self-service kiosk

              Technology is a fundamental element for the growth of companies, due to the fact that it offers alternatives to achieve a more adequate management and optimizes work, time, as well as operational costs. An effective option to provide information to customers on the sales floor (retail), through the use of mobile devices such as Tablets, […]

            • Mobile technology makes it possible to modernize the research process in the field.

              The development of mobile technology has been one of the most important factors in achieving modern, competitive, efficient companies with high productivity rates, which provides an increase in efficiency and offers information in real time. Research in the field is an activity for companies that need to know specific information, but a factor that complicates […]

            • Mobile devices optimize the collection and home delivery processes.

              Companies that adopt technological resources have the possibility of creating new channels with their clients, allowing greater interactivity and even offering better services; important factors to maintain a desired competitiveness. Mobile devices have become a vital tool that generate a large number of benefits, which are used in the App Delivery which aims to streamline […]

            • Mobile application streamlines the process of management and inspection of transportation equipment

              New technological tools are those that allow companies to become more productive, increase income, facilitate internal processes by being more efficient, among other differentiating factors, which allow better service and attention to be provided. Specifically, companies that are dedicated to the rental of freight transport and freight services now have the opportunity to automate the […]

            • The Internet of Things as part of the future of retail

              Las posibilidades de mejora que brinda el Internet de las Cosas (loT) en el sector retail son infinitas. Dotar de inteligencia a los objetos y conectarlos con los dispositivos de los clientes va mucho más allá de aumentar la productividad y mejorar la experiencia de compra de los usuarios; permite generar un sinnúmero de nuevas […]

            • The digital transformation in companies

              Improving operational efficiency, creating new experiences for customers based on their preferences, generating alternative revenue methods and responding quickly to market changes are four of the main advantages of digital transformation in companies. According to information from the International Data Corporation (IDC), the world’s leading market intelligence and consulting services firm for the Information Technology […]

            • Increase the productivity of your medical visitors through the use of mobile technology

              The contribution of technology to the daily activities of companies has facilitated and above all benefited in the increase of their productivity, as well as in the management of their processes. In companies in the pharmaceutical sector, such as laboratories, there is an activity that consists of making medical visits, you are with the objective […]

            • Automation in the receipt and validation of the ticket using mobile technology

              The implementation of new and innovative tools provided by technology has made it possible to eliminate barriers in business, increase income, streamline procedures and improve processes with automation. Companies that have the need to sell tickets need an efficient alternative in their process, which offers the comprehensive solution for Ticket Sales App, ideal for the […]

            • Find out how to boost your business growth

              Whether they want to buy a product, book a hotel room or buy a plane ticket, today’s consumers seek web services through mobile or online applications to achieve greater speed, convenience and quality in their purchases, without losing contact direct with the company. «According to estimates from experts in the sector, the revenue of companies […]

            • Heart pulse-based identification bracelet

              Today, we have the need to identify ourselves in many places, even if we do not realize it, after all, the key to our car is just another way to make sure that it is us and not someone else who can Turn it on; When we open our computer, we have to enter increasingly […]

            • Beacons and their application in retail

              When we talk about beacons, the first thing that comes to mind is their application in large companies, museums, public places of interest, etc. However, this technology is very useful for the retail sector, as it allows retailers to bring personalized communication from online stores to their physical store. Know which products are being consulted […]

            • The advantages of digital transformation in companies

              Whether they want to buy a product, book a hotel room or buy a plane ticket, today’s consumers seek web services through mobile or online applications to achieve greater speed, convenience and quality in their purchases, without losing contact direct with the company. According to estimates by experts in the information technology industry, the revenue […]

            • Benefits for Retail, by implementing a mobile system to optimize the home delivery process

              The environment is rapidly changing due to the fact that we are immersed in a digital age, as a consequence, consumers demand more innovative solutions and this has to do with the new tools that technology provides. A few years ago it was customary for customers to go to businesses with the patience of knowing […]

            • Digital Transformation becomes a determining factor for the development and growth of companies

              Today companies are faced with the need to start their digital transformation or die. Believing that digital transformation consists only of buying more and better both hardware and software for the company, they are definitely far from what the concept is. «The term Transformation refers to a fundamental change, and in companies, it is something […]

            • SmartMSP, the platform based on the internet of things, which offers great benefits to the commercial and industrial sector

              Surely you have heard the term ¨Internet de las cosas IoT (Internet of things in English), and this is because it is a new technological trend that is currently being used by various companies in the world and that is allowing them to achieve increases in their productivity and improvement in processes in which control […]

            • Smart Stores; the use of Beacons makes it possible

              Messages via Smartphone are one of the advertising and commercial tools with the greatest future and the use of Beacons is the solution for those who wish to bet on this strategy. Let’s imagine the operation of Beacons in a supermarket: when entering the store, the user receives a welcome message with useful information for […]

            • Home Delivery, mobile technology that optimizes the operation of your home delivery equipment

              Many companies today have verified the economic benefits they obtain by making home deliveries of their products, but once you have decided to implement this service, it is vitally important to maintain control of the operation and perform process optimization. that allow reducing operating expenses and increasing the number of deliveries. As a consequence of […]

            • Cilene, the Beacons-based platform that powers retail

              Retail stores today are deploying beacons to drive sales and increase customer engagement within retail. With the rapid incorporation that has occurred in recent years, in relation to sales through eCommerce and especially through mobile devices, it has encouraged businesses to implement download applications for their customers, which allows them to facilitate the purchase of […]

            • The Internet of Things knocks on the door of your company

              The term ¨Internet de las cosas¨ or IoT (Internet of things in English), I am sure that at some point you have already heard it and also probably if you have a company think that this is simply complex or is only a business matter big. Well, none of that is true, you can be […]

            • Find out how RFID Technology enables you to optimize inventory capture processes

              Technological changes lead to transformations in businesses that benefit their development, however, the same doubt is always generated whether or not to incorporate new technologies, but in fact they should be implemented if one wants to stand out in the market. In running a business, some of the most valuable resources are information and time. […]

            • Beacons: the technology that is revolutionizing retail.

              Now the commercial sector can benefit from the use of new technologies that link the physical world with the digital world, promoting sales in retail. Technological progress is the ally that provides us with efficient tools and means to implement better results. Although we thought about the basic principles of Bluetooth, it offered us wireless […]

            • Chatbots, an innovative productivity tool for companies

              Chatbots are becoming a form of direct communication through instant messaging systems such as Messenger and telegram, offering customers a closer experience with live interactions is technical support and commercial attention, this opens new ways of differentiation in its value proposition.   A clear example of a company that has spearheaded the use of robots […]

            • Internet of things (IoT), applied in the restaurant sector

              The sale of alcoholic beverages can be considered an area of ​​great profits in a bar, but with respect to losses, how do you know exactly the amount of existing product? Probably the most logical answer would be through an inventory, but since it is a liquid, it becomes complicated, however there is an innovative […]

            • Do you need an efficient assistant without fees? This is for you!

              Every business owner, large or small, needs an efficient assistant who provides timely information, responds quickly to your requests, help you save time performing certain operations and banking transactions, collect reviews, help you create databases and instantly connect you with whoever you need. And to find such an assistant, it is not even necessary to […]

            • Your business is not proving as successful as you expected? This may be the cause

              Regardless of the size of the shops, to keep them competitive and profitable, they all require a meticulous control of their merchandise. The mistake of many micro, small and medium-sized companies that fail to consolidate is that they believe that they do not need an inventory system and that this tool is only for large […]

            • Points of Sale, the key to the success of SMEs

              Today, competitiveness is the key to making small and medium-sized businesses a successful business. Keep a detailed control of income, expenses and profits, as well as your inventories; Knowing precisely the products that are in greatest demand to generate successful orders and facilitate customer payment with bank cards are some fundamental aspects that establishments must […]

            • Ordering food without calling and monitoring your delivery boy’s journey is now possible!

              Being able to order food at home on days when you don’t have time to go shopping, or just don’t want to leave the house, is a relief. However, sometimes the process to raise your order by phone is so long, that you prefer to go to the establishment yourself. Fortunately, technology advances every day […]

            • IoT in the maritime sector

              Every time we plan a trip, we want it to be as pleasant as possible; we want to forget that there is daily hustle, responsibilities and obligations. The only thing we want during these days is to enjoy those moments with family or friends. What happens when our destination is a Cruise? Our expectations are […]

            • Smartphones and chatbot systems

              Currently, the use of cell phones has generated important changes in our society both socially and commercially. Now business is being conducted through these digital devices as well. According to data from multiplatform media measurement companies in Mexico, during this year in our country there are 56 million people connected to the internet, of which […]

            • Streamlining inventory taking processes in the warehouse

              Learn about the ISmart Everything platform based on the Internet of Things, and how it can benefit your company.

            • How to choose your software development provider?

              Many times companies ask themselves, how to know if their software or IT consulting provider is the right one to respond to the needs of my company? In my experience, I have recognized some fundamental aspects that I consider relevant when choosing a provider of software development, and are the following: 1.- Knowledge and experience […]

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